MIROSQUEEN 's mom's collection of photos.

Welcome to the section of the website that my mom has gracefully taken over! This will be an archive of her photo gallery of mostly flowers and plants she has planted around our property. All of the texts below the images are all written by me, unless stated otherwise in the entry.


Family: Apocynaceae

In the Philippines, these flowers are associated with ghosts and cemeteries; its shrub is also mildly poisonous!

Heliconia chartacea

Family: Heliconiaceae

The general family of this plant apparently represents youth, pride, and great returns. This one is also called 'Sexy Pink' but I'm scared of the search results it might yield, LOL

Desert rose

Family: Apocynaceae

A slow growing plant often used as a bonsai plant, though this one isn't. It's also poisonous but it could also be the whole family? Can you tell I'm not the greatest at this? Okay, uh-